Test case: autodai.com image loading issues

autodai.com image loading issues

Test Overview

Here, I’m presenting the findings of the short functional testing I’ve taken on the autodai.com domain.
This test was performed on the 3rd of February, 2025.

While going through the autodai.com website and landing on the service and the related page, I’ve encountered multiple images that are not loading. Here is the list of pages I’m talking about:

  • https://autodai.com/service-01/
  • https://autodai.com/service/validate/
  • https://autodai.com/service/automate/
  • https://autodai.com/service/optimize/
  • https://autodai.com/service/iterate/

/service-01 page

Here you may see on the following screenshot marked the images that are not loading.

All other listed pages /service/…

On the following screenshot you may see marked images in the sidebar component that are not loading:


After taking a deeper look at the source of these images, they are all taken from an external source. Here is an example of an image path:

I’ve tried to open these image paths, and I got the same response for all of them: This site can’t be reached.
If this were an asset-related issue, we could expect maybe a 404 error. But this is a clear indication that something is wrong with the domain of the external source.
Then I’ve tried to run the base URL: https://conbix.wpcodify.com/
Received the same response: This site can’t be reached

From this discovery, I can only conclude that the cause of the broken images is that the external source domain is broken. Now, since I don’t have deeper insights, I’m not sure if this is a temporary or permanent state of this external source.

Additional finding: Outbound links opening in the same tab

The following thing I’ve noticed is rather a thing of a strategy than of a technical difficulty, but still, I always prefer to single out this kind of findings:

Namely, I’ve noticed that the Autodai.com domain is opening all outbound links in the same tab instead of opening them in a new tab. These links include the maps links, as well as the Facebook and LinkedIn social media links. It’s not a rule that they must open in a new tab, but it’s a general practice.

Opening external links in a new window (or tab) is generally a good practice. This provides a better user experience because:

  1. Keeps users on your site: When users click a link leading to an external source, they can explore the content without leaving your page. This means they can return to your site quickly.
  2. Prevents user frustration: Users may not realize they left your website, especially on mobile devices, so opening links in a new tab avoids that confusion.

Still, this is rather a suggestion. If the team prefers having these links open in the same tab, then there is nothing wrong with it.

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