Cypress Script Manual: Scrolling and Viewport Testing

Scrolling and viewport responsiveness testing with Cypress

This document serves as a guide to understanding and using the Cypress script provided. The script is designed to test a web page’s responsiveness across various screen sizes and orientations while scrolling through the entire page content.

Purpose of the Script

The script tests the webpage (in our example: under different viewport configurations. It includes a custom command for smooth scrolling to the bottom of the page, ensuring the entire content loads properly on each tested viewport.

Script Breakdown

Handling Uncaught Exceptions

Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err) => {
    console.error('Error:', err.message);
    return false;
  • This ensures that uncaught JavaScript exceptions on the page being tested do not fail the Cypress test.
  • Logs the error message for debugging while allowing the test to continue execution.

Base URL Definition

const baseUrl = '';
  • Defines the target URL for the tests. This ensures all tests use the same page consistently.

Custom Command: scrollSlowly

Cypress.Commands.add('scrollSlowly', () => {
  function scrollToBottom() {
    cy.window().then((win) => {
      const currentScroll = win.scrollY;
      const maxScroll = win.document.documentElement.scrollHeight - win.innerHeight;
      if (currentScroll < maxScroll) {
        win.scrollBy(0, 150); // Scroll by small increments
        cy.wait(50); // Wait a short period between scroll steps
        scrollToBottom(); // Recursive call to continue scrolling

  scrollToBottom(); // Start the scrolling process
  • Implements a smooth scrolling mechanism by incrementally scrolling the page by 150 pixels and waiting 50ms between each scroll step.
  • Recursively continues scrolling until the bottom of the page is reached.

Test Cases

Test 1: Default Screen Size

it('Default screen size', () => {
  cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
  • Tests the webpage using a standard desktop resolution of 1920×1080.
  • Scrolls through the page to ensure all content is visible.

Test 2: Small Screen Size

it('Single test', () => {
  cy.viewport(640, 480);
  • Simulates a small screen size of 640×480 (e.g., older devices or small browser windows).
  • Validates content visibility on smaller screens.

Test 3: Multiple Devices

it('Check URL', () => {
  const presents = ['macbook-15', 'samsung-note9', 'ipad-mini', 'iphone-xr'];
  presents.forEach((device) => {
  • Tests the webpage across a variety of predefined device viewports:
    • MacBook Pro 15-inch
    • Samsung Note 9
    • iPad Mini
    • iPhone XR
  • Ensures consistent functionality and layout across different devices.

Test 4: Device Orientation

it('Check orientation', () => {
  cy.viewport('samsung-note9', 'landscape');
  cy.viewport('samsung-note9', 'portrait');
  • Simulates a Samsung Note 9 in both landscape and portrait orientations.
  • Validates the layout and functionality under different orientation settings.

Test 5: Repeated Small Screen Test

it('Single test', () => {
  cy.viewport(640, 480);
  • Repeats the small screen size test to validate consistent behavior across multiple runs.

How to Use the Script

  1. Setup Cypress: Ensure Cypress is installed and configured in your project.
    • Add the script to your Cypress test suite.
  2. Run Tests: Execute the tests using the cypress run or cypress open command.
  3. Analyze Results: Review the logs and outputs to verify if the webpage behaves as expected across all tested viewports and orientations.

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