Showcasing Custom FizzBuzz App

Showcasing Custom FizzBuzz App Untitled

The Custom FizzBuzz App is a simple web-based tool that allows users to customize and generate the popular FizzBuzz sequence by entering their own parameters for “Fizz” and “Buzz” values. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how the app works:

You may check out the complete source code here:

How I came up with the idea to create this app

While practicing JavaScript algorithm tasks, I encountered a common task that is asked during JavaScript-related interviews. That is the so-called “FizzBuzz challenge.” Here is an example of the properly set up FizzBuzz code that prints the results in the console:


   function fizzBuzz(n) {
        for(let i=1; i<=n; i++) {
            if(i % 3 === 0 && i % 5 === 0) {
            } else if( i % 3 === 0 ) {
            } else if ( i % 5 === 0) {
            } else {



Since my parole is that a script works perfectly if you can create an app based on it that will allow users to modify the values, I’ve decided to do exactly that!

Here is the body part of the code:

<div class="container">
        <h1>Custom FizzBuzz App</h1>
        <p>Enter your values and see the results:</p>
        <input type="number" id="inputN" placeholder="Enter max value (n)" />
        <input type="number" id="inputFizz" placeholder="Enter Fizz value (e.g., 3)" />
        <input type="number" id="inputBuzz" placeholder="Enter Buzz value (e.g., 5)" />
        <button onclick="generateFizzBuzz()">Generate</button>
        <div class="results" id="results"></div>

HTML Structure

1. Input Fields:

  • `<input type=”number” id=”inputN”>:**
    • Allows the user to specify the maximum number (n) up to which the FizzBuzz sequence will be generated.
  • `<input type=”number” id=”inputFizz”>:**
    • Lets the user define the “Fizz” value. Numbers divisible by this value will be labeled as Fizz.
  • `<input type=”number” id=”inputBuzz”>:**
    • Lets the user define the “Buzz” value. Numbers divisible by this value will be labeled as Buzz.

2. Button:

  • <button onclick="generateFizzBuzz()">Generate</button>:
    • When clicked, triggers the generateFizzBuzz() function to process the input and display the results.

3. Results Section:

  • <div class="results" id="results"></div>:
    • A container where the output of the FizzBuzz sequence is dynamically displayed.

And here is the JavaScript:

        function generateFizzBuzz() {
            const n = parseInt(document.getElementById("inputN").value);
            const fizzValue = parseInt(document.getElementById("inputFizz").value);
            const buzzValue = parseInt(document.getElementById("inputBuzz").value);
            const resultsContainer = document.getElementById("results");

            if (isNaN(n) || isNaN(fizzValue) || isNaN(buzzValue)) {
                resultsContainer.innerHTML = "<p>Please enter valid numbers for all fields.</p>";

            let results = "";
            for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
                if (i % fizzValue === 0 && i % buzzValue === 0) {
                    results += `<p>FizzBuzz</p>`;
                } else if (i % fizzValue === 0) {
                    results += `<p>Fizz</p>`;
                } else if (i % buzzValue === 0) {
                    results += `<p>Buzz</p>`;
                } else {
                    results += `<p>${i}</p>`;

            resultsContainer.innerHTML = results;

JavaScript Functionality

1. generateFizzBuzz() Function

This function is responsible for processing user inputs, generating the FizzBuzz sequence, and displaying the results.

Step-by-Step Breakdown:
  1. Retrieve Input Values:
    • It gets the user-entered values for n, Fizz, and Buzz from the input fields using document.getElementById.
    • The values are converted to integers using parseInt().
  2. Validation Check:
    • The app checks if the inputs are valid numbers using isNaN(). If any input is invalid, it displays an error message in the results container and exits the function early using return.
  3. FizzBuzz Logic:
    • A for loop iterates from 1 to the maximum value (n).
    • For each number i:
      • i % fizzValue === 0 && i % buzzValue === 0: If divisible by both “Fizz” and “Buzz” values, append FizzBuzz to the results.
      • i % fizzValue === 0: If divisible only by the “Fizz” value, append Fizz to the results.
      • i % buzzValue === 0: If divisible only by the “Buzz” value, append Buzz to the results.
      • Otherwise: Append the number itself to the results.
  4. Update Results Section:
    • The results are stored as HTML strings using the results variable.
    • The resultsContainer.innerHTML is updated with the generated content to display the output dynamically on the webpage.


  1. Enter Inputs:
    • Input the maximum value (n) up to which you want to generate the sequence.
    • Specify the “Fizz” and “Buzz” divisors.
  2. Generate Results:
    • Click the “Generate” button to process the inputs.
  3. View Results:
    • The app dynamically displays the FizzBuzz sequence in the results section.

Example Scenarios


  • Max value (n): 15
  • Fizz value: 3
  • Buzz value: 5



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