Apex test: Validating Relationships Between Account, Contact, and Opportunity

Validating Relationships Between Account, Contact, and Opportunity

Hey team, today I’d like to walk you through an Apex test class that performs integration testing for standard Salesforce objects like Account, Contact, and Opportunity. Whether you’re new to testing in Salesforce or just need a refresher, this article will help you break down and understand how to write an effective test class in Apex.

Here’s the piece of code we’ll be discussing:

View the complete code example
public class AccountContactOpportunityIntegration {
    static void testAccountContactOpportunityIntegration() {
        // Start the test
        // Step 1: Create a test Account
        Account testAccount = new Account(
            Name = 'Integration Test Account'
        insert testAccount;

        // Step 2: Create a test Contact linked to the Account
        Contact testContact = new Contact(
            FirstName = 'Integration',
            LastName = 'Test',
            Email = '[email protected]',
            AccountId = testAccount.Id
        insert testContact;

        // Step 3: Create a test Opportunity linked to the Account
        Opportunity testOpportunity = new Opportunity(
            Name = 'Integration Test Opportunity',
            StageName = 'Prospecting',
            CloseDate = Date.today().addDays(30),
            AccountId = testAccount.Id
        insert testOpportunity;

        // Step 4: Retrieve and validate relationships between Account, Contact, and Opportunity
        Account retrievedAccount = [SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contacts), (SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunities) FROM Account WHERE Id = :testAccount.Id];

        // Assert Account properties
        System.assertEquals('Integration Test Account', retrievedAccount.Name, 'Account Name should match.');

        // Assert Contact association
        System.assertEquals(1, retrievedAccount.Contacts.size(), 'There should be one Contact associated with the Account.');
        System.assertEquals('Integration', retrievedAccount.Contacts[0].FirstName, 'Contact First Name should match.');
        System.assertEquals('Test', retrievedAccount.Contacts[0].LastName, 'Contact Last Name should match.');

        // Assert Opportunity association
        System.assertEquals(1, retrievedAccount.Opportunities.size(), 'There should be one Opportunity associated with the Account.');
        System.assertEquals('Integration Test Opportunity', retrievedAccount.Opportunities[0].Name, 'Opportunity Name should match.');

        // End the test

Step-by-Step Breakdown

1. Test Class and Method Structure

  • @isTest Annotation: This indicates that the class and method are specifically meant for testing. It ensures that the code is executed in a test context and doesn’t affect your actual database.
  • Method Declaration: The method testAccountContactOpportunityIntegration is defined as static since test methods should not rely on instance variables or state.

2. Starting and Stopping a Test

  • Test.startTest() and Test.stopTest(): These methods are used to separate the test execution from the setup. When you start a test, Salesforce provides a fresh set of governor limits. This is crucial when testing bulk operations or scenarios that require SOQL or DML statements.

3. Creating Mock Data

Step 1: Create a Test Account:

Account testAccount = new Account( Name = 'Integration Test Account' );
insert testAccount;

We create an Account object with a Name value. This object is then inserted into the database using the insert DML statement.

Step 2: Create a Test Contact Linked to the Account:

Contact testContact = new Contact( FirstName = 'Integration', LastName = 'Test', Email = '[email protected]', AccountId = testAccount.Id );
insert testContact;

A Contact is created and linked to the previously created Account using the AccountId field. This ensures the proper parent-child relationship between the records.

Step 3: Create a Test Opportunity Linked to the Account:

Opportunity testOpportunity = new Opportunity( Name = 'Integration Test Opportunity', StageName = 'Prospecting', CloseDate = Date.today().addDays(30), AccountId = testAccount.Id );
insert testOpportunity;

Similar to the Contact, we create an Opportunity and link it to the Account. Key fields like StageName and CloseDate are required to make the record valid.

4. Validating Relationships

After creating the mock data, we retrieve the Account along with its related Contact and Opportunity using SOQL subqueries:

Account retrievedAccount = [SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contacts), (SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunities) FROM Account WHERE Id = :testAccount.Id];
  • Subqueries:
    • (SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contacts) retrieves all related Contact records.
    • (SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunities) retrieves all related Opportunity records.

5. Assertions

Assertions ensure that the data and relationships are correct:

  1. Verify Account Data:

    System.assertEquals('Integration Test Account', retrievedAccount.Name, 'Account Name should match.');

    Ensures the Account name matches the expected value.
  2. Verify Contact Data:

    System.assertEquals(1, retrievedAccount.Contacts.size(), 'There should be one Contact associated with the Account.'); System.assertEquals('Integration', retrievedAccount.Contacts[0].FirstName, 'Contact First Name should match.');

    Ensures the Contact is correctly linked to the Account and has the expected data.
  3. Verify Opportunity Data:

    System.assertEquals(1, retrievedAccount.Opportunities.size(), 'There should be one Opportunity associated with the Account.');
    System.assertEquals('Integration Test Opportunity', retrievedAccount.Opportunities[0].Name, 'Opportunity Name should match.');

    Ensures the Opportunity is correctly linked to the Account.

Why This Test is Important

  1. Data Integrity: Verifies that the relationships between standard objects are set up correctly.
  2. Real-World Scenarios: Simulates business use cases where Accounts often have related Contacts and Opportunities.
  3. Validation: Ensures data consistency and accuracy across multiple objects.
  4. Governor Limits: Helps test how the code performs under real-world constraints.

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